Aberdeen University Press | 4 | 1 | Aberdeen |
Aberystwyth University | 1 | 1 | Aberystwyth |
Academic Conferences International — ACI | 3 | 2 | Readig |
Accordia Research Institute | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Adlard & Son & West Newman | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Adonis & Abbey Publishers | 3 | 3 | Londres |
Aerial Archeology Research Group — AARG | 1 | 1 | |
African Society of International and Comparative Law | 1 | 1 | Londres |
AG Castillo Media Limited | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Agricultural economics society — AES | 1 | 0 | Reading, Berkshire |
AHRC Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law | 1 | 1 | Édimbourg |
Alexandrine Press | 1 | 1 | Marcham |
Allied Business Academies | 18 | 14 | Londres |
Alpha Academic | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Amnesty international | 2 | 2 | Londres |
Andrew Marvell Society | 1 | 1 | Saint Andrews |
Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Apollo | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Applied probability trust | 2 | 2 | Sheffield |
Applied Science Publishers | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Archaeopress | 8 | 8 | Oxford |
Archetype Publications | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Aris & Phillips Ltd | 1 | 0 | Oxford |
Aristotelian society | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Art Monthly Foundation | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Ashgate Publishing | 2 | 0 | Farnham |
Association for Art history | 1 | 1 | |
Association for environmental archaeology | 1 | 0 | |
Association for Language Learning | 1 | 0 | Derby |
Association for Learning Technology — ALT | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
The Association for Roman Military Equipment Studies — ARMES | 2 | 2 | |
The Association for Science Education — ASE | 1 | 1 | Hatfield, Hertfordshire |
Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching | 1 | 0 | Bedford |
Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism — ASEN | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Association for the Study of Modern Italy — ASMI | 1 | 1 | |
Association for the Study of Primary Education — ASPE | 1 | 1 | Long Marston |
Association for the study of travel in Egypt and the Near East — Astene | 1 | 1 | Durham |
Association of Child Psychotherapists — ACP | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Association of Christian Teachers — ACT | 1 | 0 | |
Association of Law Teachers — ALT | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers — ALPSP | 1 | 1 | |
Association of postgraduate journal | 1 | 1 | |
Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education — ATCDE | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Association of Workers for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties | 1 | 0 | East Sutton |
Association of Workers for Maladjusted Children | 1 | 0 | Cardiff |
Avebury | 1 | 0 | Aldershot |
Ballière, Tindall and Cox | 5 | 0 | Londres |
Barmarick publications | 1 | 0 | Patrington |
Barry Rose Law Periodicals | 1 | 0 | Chichester |
Bedford College | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Beech Tree Publishing | 2 | 0 | Guildford |
Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation | 1 | 1 | Nottingham |
BioMed Central — BMC | 328 | 306 | Londres |
BioScientifica | 1 | 1 | Bristol |
The Biosocial Society of Great Britain | 1 | 0 | |
Blackwell Publishing | 329 | 109 | Oxford |
Blavatnik School of Government — BSG | 2 | 2 | Oxford |
BMJ Publishing Group | 19 | 17 | Londres |
Boosey and Hawkes | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Bowes & Bowes | 1 | 0 | Cambridge |
Bowker-Saur | 2 | 0 | East Grinstead |
Boydell and Brewer | 4 | 3 | Woodbridge, Suffolk |
Britannia Art Publications Limited | 1 | 0 | Londres |
British Agricultural History Society — BAHS | 1 | 1 | Londres |
British and Irish Orthoptic Society — BIOS | 1 | 1 | Londres |
British archaeological association | 1 | 1 | London |
British archeological reports | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
British Association for American Studies — BAAS | 1 | 0 | |
British association for applied linguistics — BAAL | 1 | 1 | |
British association for behavioural psychotherapy — BACBP | 1 | 0 | |
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy — BACP | 1 | 0 | Lutterworth |
British association for international and comparative education — BAICE | 1 | 1 | |
British Association for Local History — BALH | 1 | 1 | Sheffield |
British association of social workers — BASW | 1 | 1 | Birmingham |
British association of sport and exercise sciences — BASES | 1 | 1 | Leeds |
British Association of Sport and Medicine — BASM | 1 | 0 | Loughborough |
British broadcasting corporation. Monitoring Service — BBC. Monitoring Service | 1 | 1 | Caversham |
The British cartographic society — BCS | 1 | 0 | Portsmouth |
British Centre for Durkheimian Studies | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
British Dyslexia Association | 1 | 1 | Bracknell |
British Ecological Society | 1 | 1 | Londres |
British Educational Research Association — BERA | 2 | 2 | Londres |
The British Empire Leprosy Relief Association | 1 | 0 | Londres |
British Holistic Medical Association — BHMA | 1 | 0 | Londres |
British Institute of International and Comparative Law — BIICL | 2 | 1 | Londres |
British Institute of Learning Disabilities — BILD | 2 | 1 | Birmingham |
British Institute of Mental Handicap — BIMH | 2 | 0 | Birmingham |
British Institute of Persian Studies — BIPS | 1 | 1 | London, Tehran |
British international studies association — BISA | 1 | 1 | Birmingham |
British Medical Association | 7 | 2 | Londres |
British Micropaleontological Society — BMS | 1 | 1 | |
The British museum publications | 2 | 2 | Londres |
British ornithologists' union — BOU | 1 | 0 | Peterborough |
British Psychological Society — BPS | 11 | 5 | Leicester |
British Records Association | 1 | 1 | Londres |
British School at Rome — BSR | 1 | 1 | Londres |
British school of Archaeology in Egypt — BSAE | 1 | 0 | Londres |
British School of Archaeology of Iraq — BISI | 1 | 1 | Londres |
British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy — BSAC | 1 | 1 | Birmingham |
British Society for Developmental Disabilities | 2 | 1 | Stratford |
British Society for Middle Eastern Studies — BRISMES | 1 | 1 | Durham |
British society for rheumatology — BSR | 1 | 1 | Londres |
British Society for the History of Medicine — BSHM | 1 | 1 | Londres |
British Society for the History of Science — BSHS | 1 | 0 | Londres |
British society for the study of mental subnormality | 1 | 0 | Birmingham |
British Society of Sports History — BSSH | 1 | 0 | Beckenham |
British Sociological Association — BSA | 2 | 2 | Durham |
British Telecom Research Laboratories | 1 | 0 | Ipswich |
Burlington Magazine Publications Ltd | 1 | 1 | Londres |
The Business Archives Council — BAC | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Business archives council of Scotland — BACS | 1 | 1 | Johnstone |
Butterworth and Co. Publishers | 10 | 0 | |
Butterworth Scientific | 13 | 1 | Guildford |
Butterworth-Heinemann | 17 | 6 | Oxford |
Butterworths | 3 | 1 | |
Butterworths European Information Services | 0 | 0 | |
C. Stafford / AOTC Press | 1 | 1 | |
Camberwell Council on Alcoholism | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Cambrian Archaeological Association | 1 | 1 | Cardiff |
Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies Publications — CMCS Publications | 1 | 1 | Aberystwyth |
Cambridge bibliographical society | 1 | 1 | Cambridge |
Cambridge Medical Publications | 1 | 0 | Worthing, West Sussex |
Cambridge Philological Society | 1 | 1 | Cambridge |
Cambridge University Press | 232 | 199 | Cambridge |
Cardiff University | 3 | 3 | Cardiff |
Carfax Publishing | 126 | 46 | Londres |
Carphone Consultants | 1 | 0 | Frome |
Centre for ethnographic theory — CET | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Centre for hellenic Studies | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations | 1 | 0 | Birmingham |
Centre for the Study of Religion and Communism | 1 | 0 | Keston, Kent |
Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change — CTCC | 1 | 1 | Leeds |
Channel View Publications Ltd | 1 | 0 | Bristol |
Chapman & Hall | 12 | 3 | Londres |
Chartered Institute of Horticulture | 1 | 1 | Louth |
Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy — CIPFA | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers — CIBSE | 1 | 0 | |
Chatham House, the Royal institute of international affairs | 3 | 2 | Londres |
Chemistry Central | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Chinese society of international law | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
Christian Education Movement | 1 | 0 | Birmingham |
Chromatographic society (GB) | 1 | 1 | |
Churchill Livingstone | 17 | 0 | Londres |
Clarendon Press | 4 | 0 | Oxford |
The Classical Association Teaching Board — CATB | 1 | 1 | Warford |
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association — CPA | 2 | 2 | Londres |
Community Practitioners & Health Visitors Association — CPHVA | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Community Relations Commission | 1 | 0 | Londres |
The Company of Biologists | 4 | 4 | Cambridge |
Compositionality Charitable Incorporated Organisation | 1 | 1 | |
Conseil éditorial du Programming Historian | 4 | 4 | Londres |
Continuum International Publishing Group | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Cornwall Archaeological Society | 1 | 1 | Truro |
Costume Society | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Council for British research in the Levant — CBRL | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Council of the Family Welfare Association | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Coventry University | 3 | 3 | Coventry |
CRL Publishing | 1 | 0 | Kibworth, Leicester |
Crown House Publishing | 1 | 1 | Carmarthen |
Current Publishing | 2 | 1 | Londres |
D.S. Brewer | 1 | 1 | Martlesham |
David Nutt | 2 | 0 | Londres |
Deighton Bell | 1 | 1 | Cambridge |
Department of Computing, North Staffordshire Polytechnic | 0 | 0 | Staffordshire |
The Design and technology association | 1 | 1 | Banbury |
Dod's Parliamentary Communications | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Dove medical press | 1 | 1 | Macclesfield |
Down Syndrome Education International — DSE | 1 | 1 | Kirkby Lonsdale |
Dublin University Press | 2 | 0 | Dublin |
Durham University | 1 | 1 | Durham, Stockton-on-Tees |
DVV Media International | 1 | 1 | Sutton |
E. & S. Livingstone | 1 | 0 | Édimbourg |
E. Wilson | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Earthscan | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Economic history society | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Economist Newspaper | 2 | 1 | Londres |
Edinburgh University Press | 19 | 16 | Edimbourg |
Éditions ISTE | 3 | 3 | Londres |
Edsall | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Edward Arnold | 10 | 3 | Londres |
Edward Elgar Publishing | 3 | 3 | Cheltenham |
Egypt Exploration Society | 4 | 3 | Londres |
eLife Sciences Publications | 1 | 1 | Cambridge |
Elliot Stock (London) | 1 | 0 | London |
Emap Construct | 1 | 1 | |
Emerald Group Publishing | 116 | 115 | Bingley |
Empire Publications | 1 | 1 | Manchester |
Ephemera Editorial Collective | 1 | 1 | Colchester |
Equinox Publishing | 7 | 7 | Sheffield |
ESC Publishing | 1 | 0 | |
Essex archaeological society | 1 | 0 | Colchester |
Essex society for archaeology and history — ESAH | 1 | 1 | Colchester |
Ethnographica Publishers | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Euromoney Institutional Investor | 2 | 0 | Londres |
European Association of Science Editors — EASE | 1 | 1 | Gloucestershire |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | 1 | 1 | Londres |
European Centre for Research Training and Development — ECRTD | 1 | 1 | |
European Consortium for Political Research — ECPR | 2 | 2 | Colchester |
European council on foreign relations — ECFR | 1 | 1 | Londres |
European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis — EJCH | 1 | 0 | Londres |
European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference | 1 | 1 | Southampton |
F1000 Research | 3 | 3 | Londres |
Faculty of 1000 | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Falmer Press | 1 | 0 | Barcombe |
Financial Times | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Findlay Media | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Folklore society (Londres) | 2 | 1 | |
The Foundation for Science and Technology — FST | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes — FEND | 1 | 1 | Newcastle upon Tyne |
Frank Cass & Company | 45 | 25 | Londres |
Free Association Books — FAB | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Friends of Nekhen | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
The Galpin society | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Galway Archaeological and Historical Society — GAHS | 1 | 1 | Galway |
Gate to the Eastern Mediterranean — GEM | 1 | 1 | Birmingham |
Gender and education association — GEA | 1 | 1 | |
Geographical Association | 2 | 1 | Sheffield |
Geological Society of London | 1 | 1 | Londres |
George Bell & Sons | 1 | 1 | Londres |
George Philip & Son Ltd | 1 | 0 | Liverpool |
German as a foreign language — GFL | 1 | 1 | |
German Historical Institute London — GHIL | 1 | 1 | Londres |
German History Society — GHS | 1 | 0 | Durham |
Global Talent Academy — GTA | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Goldsmiths college (London) | 1 | 1 | |
Government and opposition | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Graham & Trotman | 3 | 1 | |
Greenwich Medical Media | 1 | 0 | Cambridge |
Guarantors of Brain | 1 | 1 | |
Guardian Publications | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Gylphi Limited | 1 | 0 | Canterbury |
H. K. Lewis & Co | 3 | 0 | Londres |
Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Harvard University Press — HUP | 8 | 5 | Londres |
Harvey and Blythe Limited | 1 | 0 | Hove, East Sussex |
Headley Brothers | 1 | 0 | Ashford |
Heffers Printing Works | 1 | 0 | Cambridge |
Heinemann | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Henry Stewart Publications | 8 | 1 | Londres |
Her Majesty's Stationery Office — HMSO | 2 | 0 | Londres |
Herodotus Helpline | 1 | 1 | Ecosse |
Heythrop College | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Hindawi | 219 | 194 | Londres |
Historical association — HA | 3 | 3 | Londres |
Historical Metallurgy Society | 1 | 1 | Heathfield |
History of Political Social Concepts Group — HPSCG | 1 | 0 | Londres |
History Today Ltd | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Hospital Medicine Publications | 1 | 0 | Londres |
The Howard league for penal reform | 1 | 0 | Londres |
IFS Publications | 3 | 0 | Kempston |
IJS Publishing Group | 2 | 2 | Londres |
IM Publications — IMP | 1 | 1 | Chichester |
Imperial College London | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Imprint Academic — ia | 3 | 3 | Exeter |
Informa | 1 | 0 | Jersey |
Information for Social Change | 1 | 1 | Édimbourg |
Information Society Research | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Insight Medical Publishing Co — iMedPub | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Institut international de conservation des oeuvres historiques et artistiques — IIC | 1 | 1 | |
Institute for Fiscal Studies — IFS | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Institute for Medieval Studies — IMS | 1 | 1 | |
Institute for the Study and Treatment of Delinquency | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences (United Kingdom) — ISIS | 1 | 0 | Orpington, Kent |
Institute of Archaeology, Oxford University | 1 | 0 | Oxford |
Institute of art and law (Leicester, GB) | 1 | 1 | |
Institute of classical studies (Londres) | 2 | 2 | Londres |
Institute of english studies — IES | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Institute of Information Scientists — IIS | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Institute of Jewish Affairs | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Institute of Physics Publishing — IOP Publishing's | 25 | 23 | Bristol |
Institute of Social & Cultural Anthropology — ISCA | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
Intellect books | 7 | 5 | Bristol |
International African Institute | 1 | 1 | Londres |
International Architect Publishing | 1 | 0 | |
International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society — IAIED | 1 | 1 | Édimbourg |
The International association of egyptologists — IAE | 4 | 1 | |
International Association of Hydrological Sciences — IAHS | 1 | 1 | Wallingford |
International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres — IAML | 1 | 1 | Londres |
International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language — IATEFL | 1 | 1 | Faversham |
International Centre for Development and Environmental Studies | 1 | 1 | |
International Centre for Transactional Analysis Qualifications — ICTAQ | 1 | 1 | Hertford |
International Council for Traditional Music — ICTM | 2 | 1 | Londres |
International Fluidics Services Ltd | 1 | 0 | Bedford |
International Glaciological Society — IGS | 2 | 0 | Cambridge |
International Institute for Environment and Development — IIED | 1 | 0 | Londres |
International Institute for Strategic Studies — IISS | 5 | 4 | Londres |
International Institute for the Study of Cuba — IISC | 1 | 1 | Londres |
International Long Term Care Policy Network — ILPN | 1 | 1 | Londres |
International Masonry Society — IMS | 1 | 1 | Whyteleafe |
International Medieval Sermon Studies Society — IMSSS | 1 | 0 | Leeds |
International network for inclusive democracy | 1 | 1 | Londres |
International Seminar on Urban Form — ISUF | 1 | 1 | Birmingham |
International water association — IWA | 7 | 7 | Londres |
Intersentia | 1 | 1 | Cambridge |
IP Publishing Ltd | 1 | 1 | Londres |
IPC Consumer Industries Press Ltd | 1 | 0 | Sutton |
IPC Science and Technology Press | 2 | 0 | Guildford |
The Irenaut | 1 | 1 | Exeter |
Irish Association for Russian, Central and East European Studies — IARCEES | 1 | 1 | Dublin |
IRL Press limited | 2 | 0 | Oxford |
Isegoria Publishing | 1 | 1 | Nottingham |
Islamic Cultural Centre — ICC | 1 | 1 | Londres |
J. S. Virtue | 1 | 0 | Londres |
John Bale, Sons & Danielsson, Limited | 1 | 0 | Londres |
John Murray | 2 | 0 | Londres |
John Rylands Library | 1 | 0 | Manchester |
John Rylands University Library | 1 | 0 | Manchester |
Joint association of classical teachers' Greek course — J.A.C.T | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Jordan Publishing | 1 | 0 | Bristol |
Josiah Allen | 1 | 0 | Birmingham |
JPIMedia | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Keele University Press | 1 | 0 | Staffordshire |
Kent Archaeological Society | 1 | 1 | |
Kent print unit | 1 | 0 | Kent |
King's college London | 1 | 0 | Londres |
King's Evangelical Divinity School | 1 | 1 | Broadstairs |
Kogan Page | 1 | 0 | Londres |
KT Press | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Lancaster University | 2 | 0 | Lancaster |
Landscape Design Trust | 3 | 0 | Reigate |
Landscape institute (Londres) | 1 | 0 | |
Landscape Research Group — LRG | 1 | 1 | Poole |
The later prehistoric finds group — LPFG | 1 | 1 | |
Lawrence & Wishart | 3 | 3 | Londres |
Lawtext Publishing Limited | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
Lebanese British Friends of the National Museum | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Leeds University Centre for African Studies — LUCAS | 1 | 1 | Leeds |
Liberal Democrat History Group | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Librapharm Limited | 1 | 0 | Berkshire |
Lithic Studies Society | 1 | 1 | |
Liverpool University Press | 15 | 12 | Liverpool |
Lloyd's List Intelligence | 3 | 3 | Londres |
Lloyd's of London Press | 1 | 1 | |
Local Population Studies Society — LPSS | 1 | 1 | Matlock |
London Academic Publishing | 1 | 1 | Londres |
London court of international arbitration | 1 | 1 | |
The London Geographical Institute | 1 | 0 | Londres |
London school of economics and political science — LSE | 2 | 2 | Londres |
Longman and co | 1 | 0 | London |
Longman group | 1 | 0 | Harlow |
Loughborough University Library | 1 | 1 | Leicester |
LSE Press | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Macmillan & Co. | 15 | 0 | Londres |
Maison Française d'Oxford | 1 | 0 | Oxford |
Manchester Metropolitan University — MMU | 1 | 1 | Manchester |
Manchester University Press — MUP | 12 | 6 | Manchester |
Maney Publishing | 29 | 3 | Leeds |
Mark Allen Group | 2 | 2 | Londres |
Market research society | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Martin Dunitz Limited | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Max Weber Studies | 1 | 1 | Londres |
MCB University Press | 22 | 0 | Bingley, West Yorkshire |
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research | 2 | 2 | Cambridge |
Medieval pottery research group | 1 | 1 | York |
Medieval Settlement Research Group | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Medieval Village Research Group | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Methuen Publishing Ltd | 2 | 0 | Londres |
Mike Bishop | 2 | 2 | |
Minority rights group international | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Model and Allied Publications | 1 | 0 | Hemel Hempstead |
Modern Humanities Research Association — MHRA | 4 | 4 | Londres |
Modestum | 2 | 2 | Eastbourne, East Sussex |
Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit — MIASU | 1 | 1 | Cambridge |
De Montfort University Press — DMU Press | 1 | 1 | Leicester |
Multi-Science Pub. | 1 | 0 | |
Multi-Science Publishing | 1 | 0 | Brentwood, Essex |
Multilingual Matters | 1 | 0 | Bristol |
Musical Times Publications | 1 | 1 | Londres |
National Association for Special Educational Needs — NASEN | 1 | 1 | Tamworth |
National Association of Teachers and Lecturers in Higher Education — NATFHE | 1 | 0 | Londres |
National Centre for Social Research — NatCen Social Research | 1 | 1 | Londres |
National Foundation for Educational Research — NFER | 2 | 0 | Windsor |
National Institute of Adult Continuing Education — NIACE | 2 | 0 | Leicester |
National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children | 1 | 0 | Londres |
National Spastics Society. Medical Advisory Committee | 1 | 0 | Londres |
New Left Review | 1 | 1 | Londres |
New Science Publications | 1 | 1 | Londres |
New Statesman | 1 | 1 | Londres |
New university of Ulster | 1 | 0 | Coleraine |
Newcastle University | 3 | 2 | Newcastle upon Tyne |
Newspaper Publishing | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Nile Mission Press by the Christian Literature Society for India | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Novello | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Observer | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Office for National Statistics — ONS | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Oliver and Boyd | 2 | 0 | Edimbourg |
Open Book Publishers | 1 | 1 | Cambridge, Massachusetts |
Open Humanities Press — OHP | 8 | 8 | Londres |
Open library of humanities — OLH | 17 | 17 | Cambridge |
The Open University — OU | 1 | 1 | Milton Keynes |
OpenDemocracy | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Operational Research Club | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Overseas Development Institute — ODI | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Oxbow Books | 3 | 2 | Barnsley |
Oxfam | 2 | 2 | Oxford |
Oxford Brookes University — OBU | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew and Jewish Studies | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
Oxford Department of International Development. Refugee Studies Centre — RSC | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
Oxford Hart | 4 | 4 | |
Oxford university press — OUP | 250 | 226 | Oxford |
Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society — OAHS | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
Palestine Exploration Fund — PEF | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Palgrave Macmillan | 46 | 37 | Basingstoke |
Past and Present Society | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Pearson Longman | 5 | 1 | Harlow |
Performance Philosophy | 1 | 1 | Guildford |
Pergamon Press | 111 | 38 | Oxford |
Perpetuity | 2 | 2 | Leicester |
Philip Allan Publishers | 1 | 0 | Oxford |
Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain — PESGB | 1 | 0 | Salisbury |
Pion Limited | 5 | 1 | Londres |
The Pioneer Press Ltd | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Plainsong and mediaeval music society — PMMS | 1 | 0 | |
Pleiades Publishing | 1 | 1 | Road Town, Tortola |
Pluto Journals | 18 | 17 | Londres |
PNG Publications and Scientific Research Limited | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Policy Network | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Policy Press | 2 | 2 | Bristol |
Policy studies institute (GB) | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Political Quarterly Publishing | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom | 3 | 3 | Londres |
Portfolio Management Research — PMR | 4 | 4 | Londres |
Portland press | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Portsmouth Polytechnic School of Languages and Area Studies | 1 | 0 | Portsmouth |
Practical Action | 1 | 0 | Rugby |
Prehistoric society | 2 | 2 | Londres |
Presencing institute | 1 | 1 | Cambridge, Massachusetts |
Professional books | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Provincial medical and surgical association — PMSA | 1 | 0 | Worcester |
Psychology press | 16 | 0 | Hove |
Public Administration Committee of the Joint University Council for Social and Public Administration — PAC JUC | 1 | 0 | |
Publications du Maghreb | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Qeios | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Radical Philosophy Group | 1 | 0 | Kingston-upon-Thames |
Redactive Publishing Ltd | 2 | 2 | Londres |
Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art | 1 | 1 | |
Richtmann Publishing | 3 | 3 | Londres |
Routledge | 353 | 170 | Abingdon |
Royal African Society | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland — RAI | 7 | 2 | Londres |
Royal Archeological Institute | 1 | 1 | |
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Royal asiatic society, Straits branch | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh | 1 | 1 | Edimbourg |
Royal college of general practitioners — RCGP | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Royal college of psychiatrists | 2 | 2 | Londres |
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons — RCVS Knowledge | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Royal Economic Society | 2 | 1 | Londres |
Royal Entomological Society | 1 | 0 | St Albans |
Royal Geographical Society | 2 | 1 | Londres |
Royal historical society | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Royal institute of British architects — RIBA | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Royal Institute of Public Administration — RIPA | 2 | 1 | Londres |
Royal medical society — RMS | 1 | 1 | Edimbourg |
Royal Meteorological Society — RMetS | 1 | 0 | Reading |
Royal musical association — RMA | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Royal Numismatic Society | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Royal Society | 14 | 11 | Londres |
Royal Society for Public Health — RSPH | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Royal Society of Chemistry — RSC | 10 | 9 | Londres |
Royal society of medicine — RSM | 2 | 0 | Londres |
Royal society of tropical medicine and hygiene — RSTMH | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Saint John's hospital dermatological society | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Sapiens Publishing | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Savile Publishing Company | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Schleicher frères | 2 | 0 | Paris |
School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford | 1 | 1 | Oxford |
School of Oriental and African Studies — SOAS | 7 | 4 | Londres |
School of Politics and International Relations | 1 | 0 | Londres |
School of Scottish Studies | 1 | 1 | Edimbourg |
Scientific Instrument Society — SIS | 1 | 1 | Stadhampton |
Scientific press | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Scottish Academic Press | 2 | 0 | Édimbourg |
Scottish Labour History Society — SLHS | 1 | 1 | Glasgow |
Scottish Records Association — SRA | 1 | 1 | Glasgow |
Shaw and sons | 2 | 0 | Londres |
Sheffield Academic Press | 8 | 0 | Sheffield |
Sigaria Ltd | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Society and Nature Press | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Society for clay pipe research — SCPR | 1 | 1 | |
Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis — SCEH | 1 | 0 | Chelsea |
Society for education in film and television (GB) | 2 | 0 | Londres |
Society for educational studies — SES | 1 | 1 | Birmingham |
Society for endocrinology | 1 | 1 | Bristol |
Society for Existential Analysis — SEA | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Society for Experimental Biology — SEB | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Society for Landscape Studies | 1 | 0 | Liverpool |
Society for Latin American Studies — SLAS | 1 | 0 | |
Society for Libyan Studies | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Society for Medieval Archaeology | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Society for Nautical Research | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Society for Old Testament Study — SOTS | 1 | 1 | Manchester |
Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Society for research in psychology of music and music education | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Society for research into higher education — SRHE | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies — SPHS | 2 | 2 | |
Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies | 2 | 2 | Londres |
Society for the Social History of Medicine — SSHM | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Society for the Study of Early China | 1 | 1 | Hanovre, New Hampshire |
Society for the study of labour history — SSLH | 1 | 0 | |
Society for the study of the Crusades and the Latin East — SSCLE | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Society of antiquaries of London | 1 | 1 | |
Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne | 1 | 1 | |
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland | 3 | 2 | Édimbourg |
Society of Biblical Archaeology | 2 | 0 | Londres |
Society of comparative legislation and international law | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Society of Light and Lighting — SLL | 1 | 1 | |
Society of Medical Officers of Health | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Socio-Legal Studies Association — SLSA | 1 | 1 | Cardiff |
South African Institution of Chemical Engineers — SAIChE | 1 | 1 | Rugby |
Southern History Society | 1 | 1 | Winchester, Hampshire |
Springer Nature | 114 | 104 | Londres |
Springer-Verlag London Limited | 1 | 1 | Londres |
St Patrick's College, Maynooth | 2 | 0 | Maynooth |
Statesman & Nation Publishing Company | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Stevens & Sons | 3 | 0 | |
Student Christian Movement Press | 1 | 0 | Londres |
The Sudan Archaeological Research Society | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Surveillance Studies Network — SSN | 1 | 1 | Newcastle upon Tyne |
Survival International | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Sweet & Maxwell | 39 | 30 | Londres |
T. & T. Clark | 4 | 0 | Londres |
TACTYC Association for professional development in early years | 1 | 1 | |
Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust | 1 | 0 | Londres |
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations — TIHR | 2 | 1 | Londres |
Taylor & Francis Group | 743 | 679 | Abingdon |
Taylor & Walton | 2 | 1 | Londres |
Teaching Statistics Trust — TST | 1 | 0 | Sheffield |
Thames & Hudson | 1 | 0 | Londres |
The Virgil Society | 1 | 1 | |
ThemPra Social Pedagogy | 1 | 0 | Allithwaite |
Theory, culture and Society centre | 1 | 1 | |
Thomas Telford Ltd. | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Tolley Publishing Co | 2 | 0 | Croydon |
Tottel Publishing Ltd | 1 | 0 | Haywards Heath |
Town and country planning association — TCPA | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Transnational Press | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Travel weekly group | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Trentham Books | 2 | 0 | Stoke-on-Tren |
Trübner and Co., Ltd | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Turnstile Press | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Turpin Distribution Services | 1 | 0 | |
Tyndale House | 1 | 0 | Cambridge |
Ubiquity Press | 56 | 56 | Londres |
UCL Press | 12 | 12 | Londres |
UK Zhende Publishing | 1 | 1 | Rotherdam |
UKOLN | 1 | 1 | Bath |
UKSG | 2 | 1 | |
Umran Publications | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Union internationale de cristallographie — IUCr | 3 | 3 | Chester |
Union Theological College | 1 | 1 | Belfast |
United Bible Societies | 1 | 1 | Londres |
United Trade Press | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Université de Warwick | 2 | 1 | Coventry |
Universities federation for animal welfare (GB) — UFAW | 1 | 1 | Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire |
University association for contemporary european studies — UACES | 1 | 1 | Londres |
University college (Londres). Department of egyptology | 1 | 0 | London |
University college London - Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose Home — UCL-IIPP | 1 | 1 | |
University College London Institute of Archaeology — UCL Institute of Archaeology | 1 | 1 | Londres |
University of Bath | 1 | 1 | Bath |
University of Birmingham | 3 | 2 | Birmingham |
University of Bradford | 1 | 1 | Bradford |
University of Cambridge. Department of Archaeology | 1 | 1 | Cambridge |
University of Cambridge. Faculty of education | 1 | 1 | Cambridge |
University of Dundee | 0 | 0 | Dundee |
University of Edinburgh | 18 | 17 | Edimbourg |
University of Glasgow | 2 | 1 | Glasgow |
University of Hull | 1 | 0 | Hull |
University of Leeds | 4 | 1 | Leeds |
University of Leicester | 4 | 1 | Leicester |
University of London | 2 | 1 | Londres |
University of London Press | 2 | 1 | london |
University of Nottingham | 3 | 1 | Nottingham |
University of Oxford | 2 | 2 | Oxford |
University of Reading | 1 | 1 | Reading, Berkshire |
University of Staffordshire | 1 | 1 | Stoke-on-Trent |
University of Surrey | 1 | 1 | Guildford |
University of Sussex — US | 1 | 1 | Brighton |
University of Swansea | 1 | 1 | Swansea |
University of Wales Press | 3 | 2 | Cardiff |
University of Westminster | 6 | 6 | Londres |
University of York. Department of archaeology | 1 | 1 | York, Yorkshire |
Victoria University of Manchester | 1 | 0 | Manchester |
Viking society for Northern research — VSNR | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Warburg institute | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Warwick Business School — WBS | 1 | 1 | Coventry |
Weidenfeld and Nicolson | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Wellcome | 1 | 1 | |
Welsh People's History Society | 1 | 1 | Swansea |
West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention — WAOCP | 1 | 1 | Sabzevar |
West, Newman & Co.. imprimeur-lithographe | 1 | 1 | |
Wexford Historical Society | 1 | 1 | Wexford |
The White horse press | 4 | 4 | Winwick |
White Rose University Press — WRUP | 4 | 4 | Heslington, York |
Whiting and Birch limited | 1 | 1 | Londres |
Whurr Publishers | 6 | 0 | Londres |
William Clowes and sons (Londres) | 2 | 0 | |
Williams & Norgate | 1 | 0 | Londres |
Willow Press | 1 | 0 | Oxford |
Wisepress Ltd. | 1 | 0 | Maidstone, Kent |
Woodhead Publishing | 1 | 0 | Sawston, Cambridge |
World Advertising Research Center — WARC | 1 | 1 | Londres |