Dans Mir@bel, une ressource est un site proposant un ou des accès en ligne à des contenus de revues. Par exemple un bouquet de revues, un catalogue d'éditeur, une base de sommaires, une base de données bibliographiques ou le site web de la revue…


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Ressources — J

Ajout de ressource
Nom Revues
Journal of Health System Research (site web)1 revue
Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art — JHNA (site web)1 revue
Journal of home language research — JHLR (site web)1 revue
Journal of hospital medicine (site web)1 revue
Journal of human resource management - JHRM — JHRM (site web)1 revue
Journal of information architecture (site web)1 revue
Journal of International economic policy (site web)1 revue
The Journal of International Studies (site web)1 revue
Journal of large-scale research facilities — JLSRF (site web)1 revue
journal of law (site web)1 revue
Journal of Learning Theory and Methodology — LTMJ (site web)1 revue
Journal of Management Information Systems — JMIS (site web)1 revue
Journal of Materials and Environmental Science (site web)1 revue
Journal of Mechanical Engineering (site web)1 revue
Journal of Medical and Surgical Research (site web)1 revue
Journal of Mediterranean Cities (site web)1 revue
Journal of military and strategic studies (site web)1 revue
Journal of mineral resources engineering — JMRE (site web)1 revue
Journal of Modern Philosophy — JMPhil (site web)1 revue
Journal of molecular signaling (site web)1 revue
Journal of Montessori Research & Education (site web)1 revue
Journal of Mountain Area Research (site web)1 revue
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research — JMR (site web)1 revue
The journal of music and meaning — jmm music and meaning (site web)1 revue
Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences Pakistan — JNASP (site web)1 revue
Journal of Natural Environmental Hazards — JNEH (site web)1 revue
The Journal of Negro education (site web)0 revue
Journal of Neolithic Archaeology (online) (site web)1 revue
Journal of new sciences (site web)1 revue
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology — JOET (site web)1 revue
The Journal of Pan African Studies (site web)1 revue
Journal of Pandawa Institute1 revue
Journal of Philosophical Economics — JPE (site web)1 revue
Journal of political study (site web)1 revue
Journal of politics & society (site web)1 revue
Journal of Popular Romance Studies — JPRS (site web)1 revue
Journal of print and media technology research (Online) (site web)1 revue
Journal of psychopathology (site web)1 revue
Journal of public management and social policy (site web)1 revue
The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research — JPACR (site web)1 revue
Journal of religion, conflicts, and peace (site web)1 revue
Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Language — JSSAL (site web)1 revue
Journal of ritual studies (site web)1 revue
Journal of Salutogenic Architecture — JSA (site web)1 revue
Journal of Scientific Innovation in Medicine (site web)1 revue
Journal of Scientific Metrics and Evaluation — JoSME (site web)1 revue
Journal of Settlements and spatial planning — JSSP (site web)1 revue
Journal of Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University — JSTMU (site web)1 revue
Journal of Social Research & Policy (site web)1 revue
Journal of Social Science Education — JSSE (site web)1 revue