AME Publishing Company | 1 revue | : l'assurance maladie en ligne (site web) | 1 revue |
AMERIBER - Université Bordeaux Montaigne (site web) | 1 revue |
America (site web) | 1 revue |
Americae (site web) | 1 revue |
American Academy of Arts and Sciences (site web) | 2 revues |
American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists — AACP (site web) | 1 revue |
American Academy of Economic and Financial Experts — AAEFE (site web) | 1 revue |
American Academy of Pediatrics Publications — AAP Publications | 1 revue |
American Accounting Association Digital Library — AAA Digital Library | 4 revues |
American association for cancer research Journals — AACR | 3 revues |
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Journals — AACN Journals | 1 revue |
American association of law libraries — AALL (site web) | 1 revue |
American Association of Teachers of German — AATG (site web) | 1 revue |
American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages — AATSEEL (site web) | 1 revue |
American Association of University Professors — AAUP (site web) | 2 revues |
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities — AAIDD | 1 revue |
American Bar Association — ABA (site web) | 14 revues |
American Chemical Society — ACS | 8 revues |
American college of physicians Journals — ACP Journals | 2 revues |
American Concrete Institute — ACI (site web) | 1 revue |
American Diabetes Association Publications — ADA Publications | 2 revues |
American Diplomacy (site web) | 1 revue |
American Economic Association — AEA (site web) | 7 revues |
American educational research association — AERA (site web) | 2 revues |
The American finance association — AFA (site web) | 1 revue |
American Foreign Service Association — AFSA (site web) | 1 revue |
American Heart Association journals — AHA Journals | 3 revues |
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences — AIMS (site web) | 2 revues |
American Institute of Musicology (site web) | 1 revue |
American Journal of Archaeology — AJA (site web) | 1 revue |
American journal of kidney diseases — AJKD (site web) | 1 revue |
The American journal of medicine (site web) | 1 revue |
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology — AJOG (site web) | 1 revue |
American journal of ophthalmology — AJO (site web) | 1 revue |
The American Journal of Pathology (site web) | 1 revue |
American journal of pharmaceutical education — AJPE (site web) | 1 revue |
American journal of preventive medicine — AJPM online (site web) | 1 revue |
American journal of the medical sciences — AMJMEDSCI (site web) | 1 revue |
American journal of transplantation — AMJTransplant (site web) | 1 revue |
American journalism review — AJR (site web) | 1 revue |
American library association — ALA (site web) | 12 revues |
American Mathematical Society | 6 revues |
American meteorological society Publications — AMS Publications | 1 revue |
American Numismatic Society — ANS (site web) | 1 revue |
American Occupational Therapy Association — AOTA (site web) | 1 revue |
American Oriental Society (site web) | 1 revue |
American Philosophical Association — APA (site web) | 3 revues |
American Physiological Society — APS (site web) | 14 revues |
The American Prospects (site web) | 1 revue |