Ressource TUprints - TU Darmstadt publication service

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NomTUprints - TU Darmstadt publication service
Adresse web
Nombre de partenaires0
Description"The institutional repository TUprints offers all members of TU Darmstadt the opportunity to publish scientific research papers as primary or secondary electronic publication.

[...] Advantages:

- Increased visibility of your research findings
- Long-term archiving
- Free of charge, quick and uncomplicated
- Permanent quotable URNs
- Integration of and cooperation with other network services
- Numerous features for instance author-ID and Creative Commons licenses
TypeBase de bibliographie
Type d'accèsLibre

Revues et abonnements

2 revues présentes dans Mir@bel signalent des accès en ligne sur cette ressource.

TUprints - TU Darmstadt publication service 2 revues


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Dernière modification : 28/07/2023 08:41 (accès en ligne : création). flux RSS