Ressource The American Society of Papyrologists — ASP

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NomThe American Society of Papyrologists
Adresse web
DisciplinesSciences humaines et sociales
DiffuseurDepartment of Classical Studies Duke University
Nombre de partenaires0
DescriptionFounded in 1961, the American Society of Papyrologists (ASP) is an international scholarly community that through its activities fosters exchange of ideas and collaboration among its members, whether in person, in print, or in digital media, on all aspects of ancient papyrological texts in their full chronological, linguistic, and geographical diversity. The ASP believes that responsible and ethical scholarship, inclusiveness, and mutual respect are central tenets necessary for the well-being of the community and its members, and thus is committed to a welcoming environment that encourages participation from all those interested in its activities and who accept the responsibilities of such participation. Core to our mission is the amicitia papyrologorum, by which we commit to mutual support in the task of working with these difficult ancient artifacts.
TypeSite web
Type d'accèsLibre

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American Society of Papyrologists 1 revue


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