Ressource UTH library - University of Thessaly Institutional Repository

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NomUTH library - University of Thessaly Institutional Repository
Adresse web
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DescriptionIndiqué sur le site web : "The University of Thessaly Institutional Repository is an open access digital library aiming at collecting, preserving and disseminating the largest part of the university's intellectual production. It comprises undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations, master's and doctoral theses, journal articles either submitted (pre-prints) or accepted (post prints) for publication, conference papers, working papers, technical reports, and other educational or research documents and data sets. According to the postgraduate studies regulations all master's and doctoral theses undertaken at the University of Thessaly are published at the Institutional Repository. The repository is administered by the University's Library and Information Centre, while presently is in a phase of adjustment in terms of its enrichment with faculty scientific publications."
TypeArchives de revues
Type d'accèsLibre

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UTH library - University of Thessaly Institutional Repository 1 revue


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Dernière modification : 09/12/2022 15:49 (accès en ligne : création). flux RSS