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Ressource English Studies at NBU — ESNBU

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NomEnglish Studies at NBU
Adresse webhttps://esnbu.org
DisciplinesLinguistics, Language, Literature and Culture, Language Learning, Langage Teaching, Translation and Interpreting, Audiovisual Translation, Localization
DescriptionEnglish Studies at NBU (ESNBU) is an entirely free and open access, double-blind peer reviewed academic journal published by the Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, New Bulgarian University in two issues per year, June and December, in print and online. Manuscripts are accepted in English. Translations of published articles and preprints are generally not accepted.
ESNBU is diamond OA, fully Open Access - all published articles are freely available without charge to the users or their institutions in accordance with the definition of open access of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).
Subjects covered by this journal:
Linguistics; Language, Literature & Culture; Language & Communication; History & Cultural Studies; Language Learning & Teaching; Translation & Interpreting Studies; Creative Writing; Audiovisual Translation, Localization
TypeSite web
Type d'accèsLibre

Revues et abonnements

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English Studies at NBU 1 revue


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Dernière modification : 21/02/2023 10:01. flux RSS