Ressource Ptolemy Institute of Scientific Research and Technology — PISRT

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NomPtolemy Institute of Scientific Research and Technology
Adresse web
DisciplinesSciences, ingénierie, technologies
Nombre de partenaires0
DescriptionPtolemy Institute of Scientific Research and Technology (PISRT) has been established to improve research in the field of Science, Engineering and Technology. PISRT forum constitute of renowned national and international scientists to reinforce the field of Science, Engineering and Technology. The ultimate goal of PISRT is to help the learner achieve science literacy. One of the distinguish feature of PISRT is PSR Press which publish of research papers in its high quality peer reviewed journals, proceeding and research magazine.
TypeSite web
Type d'accèsLibre

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Ptolemy Institute of Scientific Research and Technology 1 revue


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Dernière modification : 09/03/2021 16:56 (accès en ligne : création). flux RSS