Ressource Nighthawks Open Institutional Repository

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NomNighthawks Open Institutional Repository
Adresse web
DisciplinesEnseignement supérieur ; Bibliothèque
Nombre de partenaires0
DescriptionThe Nighthawks Open Institutional Repository is a central exchange for scholarship and creative work contributed by the students, faculty and staff of the University of North Georgia with the goal of expanding the visibility of the university to the regional and global community. The Nighthawks Open Institutional Repository is a university-wide initiative managed by the University Libraries.
TypeSite web
Type d'accèsLibre

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Nighthawks Open Institutional Repository 1 revue


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Dernière vérification : 27/02/2023 11:42.

Dernière modification : 27/02/2023 11:58 (accès en ligne : création). flux RSS